
Doing something to help your community?

local scouts

We may be able to help

As a family business, we work closely with local communities donating our products to support good causes.
Requests for donations and support has increased and unfortunately it is not possible to support everyone who approaches us.

However as a family business we do wish to continue offering donations  and if you wish to be considered,
be it a raffle prize or a box of sausages and burgers for an event such as a BBQ or Fun Day, please contact us at

We will need the following details:

Event Date
A short summary of what your initiative or charity does as well as details of the event.
Your contact details

The staff here at Malcolm Allan will pick one event to support every month.

We will contact you to let you know whether you have been successful.
The products we donate will need to be collected here at our Head Office in Larbert.
If they are to be used for a BBQ, our Technical Team will need reassurance that you
are able to store them correctly to ensure they meet with food regulations.

ll we ask in return is that you post some pictures of your event on our Facebook page.

We look forward to hearing from you

Good Luck!